Saturday, July 08, 2006

5 Reasons to watch Superman Returns!

1) You get to see Kumar help beat up Superman!!

2) John T. Williams does the music, nuff said!

3) Parker Posey as Lex's henchwoman! She plays weird characters so well!!

4) The movie is over 2 hours long! It is always nice when a good movie is longer then two hours. That means your enjoyment lasts longer!

5) Seriously, Spacey is the man! He does Lex Luthor justice!


Blogger Unknown said...

The real 5 reasons to watch Superman Returns:
5) 12 minutes of Lex Luther polishing his bald head.
4) The super love scene with Superman & Lois Lane makes Spiderman's upside down kiss look gay.
3) Superman challenges Anakyn Skywalker to a podrace.
2) The scene where the Joker says "Whoops, I'm in the wrong movie."
1) Tights, tights and more tights!

7:53 AM

Blogger Bob said...

none of that was in the movie.

4:17 PM


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