Friday, February 16, 2007

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!

I bought a condo. You can see the building to the left of this. It is at Bantry and Yonge. I will give you more information when it becomes available.


Blogger Unknown said...


11:57 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

nice use of an old photo taken during the summertime.

11:58 AM

Blogger Bob said...

They took the picture and I think they took it in early December. :)

Meanwhile.... WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? I have been waiting for you to respond. I have only told one other "friend", Christa and that is because I had lunch with her. I told people years back that I would be making announcements here instead of sending out mass emails. Everybody else is in the dark because they don't check the site. Now to answer your question about the party. We party this weekend. Not at the place of course because I don't get possession for another month or so.

1:42 PM


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