Friday, June 09, 2006

Sports and Quizno's

I love the chicken carbonara at Quizno's. Great sandwich all they have to do is hold the mushrooms. They actually ask every time you go up to the counter: "Mushrooms?" I say "No". But somehow the new location close to work has screwed that up 2 out of 6 times!! The lineup is long so i have spent like 15 minutes in the place by the time I get my food, when I find it screwed up I just TRY and pick all the crap out instead of waiting another 5-10 minutes. But these guys are close to losing my business!!

Meanwhile it is time to talk sports. First locally, I played baseball and basketball last night. My ankle still wasn't 100% and my Dad did NOT want me to play basketball but I was planning on any ways. First baseball, I hit a homer in the first inning... except I couldn't run around the bases because of the ankle and I hobbled into 3rd (hello Kirk Gibson). We won, I played alright overall. Basketball was going to be tough and it was early on. But once the adreline hit I was alright. I almost got my teeth knocked out by one player driving to the net (Michael Lim) but 5 minutes later I made a top 5 play of the year for myself. Lim was all alone on the fast break but I hustled after him and CLEANLY blocked his ass from behind. I was putting so much effort that i let out a grunt which people playfully made fun of but my teammates respected my effort and performance. Last but not least, Hoffa Araujo has been traded by the Raptors. The guy didn't deserve all the boos he got and I wish him all the best. I think he got a raw deal here in Toronto having to clean up the rest of the team's horrible defence. The player coming back is some guy named Kris Humpreies or something, I have decided to just call him "Hump".


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