Friday, May 26, 2006

"X3 - Last Stand" Opens Today!!

I am very excited. Although the title makes this sound like the end of a trilogy I am hoping this movie does well and we get more of them! I am going to see the movie tomorrow but I am not sure who will come with me because of all the mixed reviews the movie is receiving. The TORONTO STAR gave it 1.5 stars. Meanwhile the blind movie reviewer on edge102 (my favourite movie reviewer) gave it a good review with 3 blurries out of 5. That is pretty good when the guy had trouble telling Sir Ian and Jean-Luc's voices apart. Funny joke they made this morning with the guy: They asked him what he was doing tomorrow. He said he was helping a buddy move. They started laughing and then the guy said,

"What room do you want it in? Okay... what room am I in?" They also made jokes that he would be moving the furniture into the neighbours place and even funnier "The Beer Store".


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