Friday, March 31, 2006

Davey at the Junos!

My brother is working the Junos this weekend. He is going to try and get pictures with celebs and such. I think it would be cool if he met Pam Anderson!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Fall of "The OC"

I didn't want to watch it. I stayed away from it. In the end, Cuch lent me season 1 and told me I had to watch it. As with most TV shows on dvd I stormed through them. The plotlines were pretty generic but the dialogue was witty. I was loving it so much that I couldn't wait for season 2!!! While other shows might add new cast members at this point, the OC did not do this. They added characters but these characters would only be on the show for a story arc. After the character's arc they would either move away, die or just simply disappear. Because of the lack of regular characters, viewer are left with the four principle "teenage" characters breaking up and getting back together because of the lack of alternate love interests. The show still has the witty dialogue but it doesn't make up for the recycling of plotlines. Cuch told me this wweek that he is doen with the show. I will finish this season but I am not sure about next season.
This isn't the only show losing its magic. I find myself hoping that certain other shows get cancelled. Why did I still watch these shows... because I still love the characters.

Monday, March 27, 2006

a sad day...

Today I went to the cottage for the last time. We packed up a bunch of stuff.... but in the end we left the couch and my TV. It was a tough day.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Good, the bad and the funny!

The Good:

- Krunk's New Groove used a lot of the same jokes as the first movie but it was still entertaining!!
- I played great basketball on thursday night!

The Bad:

- I am so bored right now I am watching Curling!
- I want to be in TO tonight hanging with everyone but I am here.

The Funny:

- I dropped some comics at Cuch's house a couple of days ago and by acciedent I locked my keys in my car! I called my Dad and he arrived right after Cuch finished breaking into my car. Cuch really enjoyed myself.
- Yesterday my office antics was compared to the stuff that goes on in the TV show, "The Office".

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


even if they are minor ones. It has finally hit me, my family doesn't own a boat anymore. I know you will look at me and say "Boo hoo... my family has never even owned a boat!" but I loved that boat and I have a lot of memories on that boat so you can see why I am sad. I also found out tonight that my baseball season has been shortened from 20 games to 16!!! I am so PISSED!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today I played basketball after a two-week layoff because of March break. I was definitely out of practice but I still feel I contributed to the team. I am watching an old episode of Scrubs and there is a great rant by Dr. Cox on right now. I will take an exerpt from it: "Let me share with you something I like to call Perry's Perspective: 1-If someone is standing in front of me in line at the coffee shop and they can't decide what they want in the half hour it took to get to the register, I should be allowed to kill them; 2-I am fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there would only be one website left and it would be called 'Bring back the Porn'; 3..." So funny!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I am tired...

I really need to work out more. I am lifting weights every day but not for very long. The treadmill is getting dusty because of lack of use.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A long weekend...

okay it isn't a real long weekend but it has felt like a long one. Good times. How was your St. Pattie's?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The last 3 days...

Over the last three days I have been busy. I spent hours at the airport waiting for an uncle to arrive. I have been working the phones and such trying to plan Friday (the email will be sent soon) and I did some skiing today!! I also bought a really cool toy yesterday!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sopranos is back!

I am watching last season's finale right now... I can't wait for the new episode! In other news... my Grandfather is doing better. Probably will get out tomorrow.

Friday, March 10, 2006


today my Grandfather was rushed to the hospital because he couldn't move his limbs. I visited after work, his hands were swollen and he looked weak. It sounds worse than it probably actually is but it was some scary shit. I stayed with my Grandmother for most of the evening.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

How I met your Mother

I stumbled upon this show by accident a month ago but I am loving it!! NPH is great on the show! There is a hot chick on the show (who happens to be Canadian... man we have great women here!) too! The show has already been renewed, I am going to go out on a limb and say this is the new FRIENDS!!

Meanwhile in other news... Canada's baseball team lost today, basketball sucked tonight (my team kept losing), and the OC was great!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oh Canada!

The Canadian baseball team beat the USA today at the World Baseball Classic! It was awesome!! On the USA team you have players like A-Rod, Clemons and Jeter. We have players like Stubby, Stein and Cyr.

Man I should be asleep I need to be awake at 6am tomorrow. That is my excuse for keeping this so brief. Tomorrow I hilight a new TV show!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Broken Mirror curse continues?

I got to see the X3 trailer yesterday, it was cool. That was good.
I forgot to mention that yesterday my Dad dropped a safe on my leg. That was bad. But I found "Fruit by the Foot" in my pocket this morning. That is good. At work I kept getting electric shocks all day long! I even got one powerful one through my headphones into my ears. That was really bad (head still feels funny). Can't wait to see how basketball goes.

LATER: Basketball went well. I was still scoring and I was getting tons of compliments on my defence.

Monday, March 06, 2006


okay... Vince told me on the weekend that if i want people to respond then I need to post juicer shit. Well sorry my life is boring people, deal with it! (i hate to)

Today I went to a school and the teacher who we worked with was hot! I could stare at her ass all day! Then I stopped by Ocean's parents restaurant for a bit. It was a nice visit. Tonight I totally screwed up taping 24 and Tyson might kick my ass over it (probably not since I am doing him a favour). If nothing interesting happens tomorrow I will start making shit up.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

What's up?

The mirror has struck again! I lost my internet connection for quite awhile yesterday but I did have a good night on the town. Raptors lost yesterday but won today. I went to the game today... so I am VERY glad they won that one. Tomorrow I am going in to work early.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A broken mirror...

that is how I begun my day. Do you believe in bad luck? I do and I did have some bad luck today.... we will see how tomorrow goes!

Basketball on thursday....

I was on fire! I played better that night then I have in quite awhile!! I am really getting into a rhythm playing twice a week.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Religion and TV

Yesterday was Pancake Tuesday and I didn't get to have any but tomorrow hopefully I will have some. Today was Ash Wednesday and I went to a service at work and got the ashes and everything. I am thinking of giving something up for Lent. Any ideas?

Now for the second part... TV!! Two of my favourite shows were on tonight! First the Raptors (they lost a close game) and then there is LOST! It was a fantastic episode!! Could be the best of the season! If you aren't watching this show then you should be!