Monday, March 26, 2007

Live at Casino Rama it is Saturday Night!!!

I went with my parents to a SNL show at Casino Rama this weekend. The stars of this show were Joe Piscopo, Victoria Jackson and Father Guido Sarducci. I had heard of Piscopo but I didn't really know the guy (couldn't pick him out of a lineup). Victoria Jackson I knew from UHF and maybe one or two other things. Sarducci I never heard of (his real name being Don Novello). Piscopo led off with a few jokes a lot of songs. The guy proved all night that he knows how to play instruments. He played the drums, guitar, sax and maybe a flute. He wasn't the only one with a special talent. Victoria at the age of 47 was able to do a handstand for at least a minute. That impressed me because she was not looking the least bit fit. She gained a lot of weight in her face. She said a lot of blonde jokes They were funny. Here is one:

Two blondes walk into a building, you would think that one of them would have seen it!

Last but not least the Father was funny. He never left character and it is a good character but he let a joke run a little bit too long. Actually Victoria was guilty of the same thing. The show was good but the last point I just made could be said about the whole show. These three might be teetering on the edge of show biz and hopefully they know when to quit and don't try to stay to long.

That leads me to the question you are probably asking yourself. Did I gamble? Did I know when to hold them and when to fold them? I only had $5 on me but my Mom wanted company while she gambled so I joinned her. After 3 minutes I was done. 5 cents machine.... I won $9.50 from it in 3 minutes. :)


Blogger Unknown said...

If those three knew when to quit, they would have 10 years ago. And Vicky Jackson, my God, she's still doing the handstand. She was doing that on Bizarre in the early 80s.

3:20 AM


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