Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The beginning of a new blog!

I started a new blog this week! It is just for the women and the nominations that I had in the last couple of months. The first matchup is already set up! Link:

Click here!/


Blogger Unknown said...

Have you learned how to put links in your posts yet?
first put a less than followed by the letter a, press the space bar then the following href="http://yourwebsitehere.com" then close the tag header with a greater than sign. Now type what you want the link to look like, CLICK HERE or something like that. Then put the ending tag. It is a less than sign followed by /a and another greater than sign.

5:26 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm. I wonder if special chars work in these comment boxes.
<a href="http://bobsfavourite.blogspot.com/">click here</a>

5:28 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, it works, that's what a link looks like

5:28 AM

Blogger Bob said...

it doesn't work for me. It isn't a link over here.

8:49 PM

Blogger Bob said...

Finally! I think the problem was that I wasn't typing anything before (ex. Click here). So every time I tried to put one... nothing showed up.

8:52 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

See, you can teach an old bob new tricks!

5:05 AM


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