Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Our first Nominations!!

The girls from Smallville!! Although I find Lana annoying as hell, she is also cute as hell! She was born in Canada (definite bonus points) and even more important she is half Dutch and half Indonesian Chinese. I love girls that have that mixed look!

Meanwhile her co-star from the last couple of years is also Canadian, Erica Durance! She plays Lois Lane, a much more likable character. Erica has also definitely gotten her breasts done before joinning the show. I prefer natural myself but they still look good right now! And yes Vince that is her stripping on stage. Lois was going undercover at a stripjoint. I love Smallville!!

Last but not least, Rob nominated James. I am sorry but I cannot accept this as an official nomination unless James proves to me that he is definitely a woman. There are lots of clues that he is but it has never been proven.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Another day! Another nomination!

This one is an interesting one. This is Michelle Williams who was Katie's co-star on Dawson's Creek! She has gone on to do a few movies like the movie: DICK, If these Walls could Talk 2 (boobies!) and last year's Brokeback Mountain! She is a very cute girl.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bob is looking for a new favourite lady!!!

I gave up on Katie a while ago but I think I need to pick a new girl so that I can truly move on. I am going to turn this into a regular thing here. I am accepting nominations from everyone. I would like to start with 8 women. Some that I think will make the list: Autumn Reeser, Jewel Staite, Elisha Cuthbert and Evangeline Lilly. Three are Canadian, all are beautiful. Please send some suggestions my way!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Spike TV's The PLAYBOOK!

I watched this show last night at Will's. It was funny! Donald Faison from Scrubs hosted it. The show was guide for players or something. The episode I watched was all about BBQs and summer fun at the beach. Checking online there have also been episodes about gambling and video games or something.

Friday, May 26, 2006

"X3 - Last Stand" Opens Today!!

I am very excited. Although the title makes this sound like the end of a trilogy I am hoping this movie does well and we get more of them! I am going to see the movie tomorrow but I am not sure who will come with me because of all the mixed reviews the movie is receiving. The TORONTO STAR gave it 1.5 stars. Meanwhile the blind movie reviewer on edge102 (my favourite movie reviewer) gave it a good review with 3 blurries out of 5. That is pretty good when the guy had trouble telling Sir Ian and Jean-Luc's voices apart. Funny joke they made this morning with the guy: They asked him what he was doing tomorrow. He said he was helping a buddy move. They started laughing and then the guy said,

"What room do you want it in? Okay... what room am I in?" They also made jokes that he would be moving the furniture into the neighbours place and even funnier "The Beer Store".

Monday, May 22, 2006

How I met your Mother went wrong...

Don't get me wrong I love the show but the one mistake the show has made is that they had Robin have feelings for Ted in the first season. To successful prolong the show's life they need to make the whole story take longer. Mid-second season would have been a good time to have this reveal and last week's finale could have been a season 2 finale at the earliest. Where thye are going to go from here, I do not know. But I like pretending that there is some mystery with who Ted is going to end up with.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

so sad....

I am in a funk.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hot for Teacher!

I was in a school on thursday. Man there were some hot teachers at this school. One of them actually told us that the behaviour students actually have them ranked (which I found ironic since I was ranking them in my head ever since I entered the building). I googled "hot + teacher" and got this picture.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Basketball last night...

so, I played basketball last night and I got matched up against this tall guy. In the previous game he had been hitting shots left and right. I took this guy apart defensively. I was a defensive animal last night. So any ways after we won our first game, our big man left the game and suddenly I was the tallest player on our team. My team looked at ourselves and looked at the other team and we knew we were over-matched. So I took the team under my wing and played defence like I was describing above and I kicked some ass on the offensive end. We got a 4-1 lead and we were one shot from winning but just came up short (I was OPEN on the last possession, could have won it!). It was a great night of basketball!!

Also in the NBA, the HEAT finished kicking Wince Carter and the Nets asses. And then I stayed up past 2am to watch the Suns beat the Clips in DOUBLE overtime!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Comings and goings....

Today James returns from the land down under (yes his Mom is that BIG!). I want to plan a party in his honour but he won't be the only guest of honour. In the next couple of weeks Cuchis Maximus will be moving to Montreal. We should give him a "Going away" party! So I figure why not combine the two! Email me or post here if you are in. Not sure what night next weekend or where (I prefer at my house) but let's get it done!!

In other news, Cuch finally gave me pictures from Cuba, it isn't so bad we just went there in December. All he had to do was give me a CD or DVD with them on it but it took him 5 months! That is all for now and for all you haters who think the first line was harsh, Mother's Day was YESTERDAY not today!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Something I just found online....

screw it! I can't post links! I will just post a picture of a hot chick:

Toronto Blue Jays

The Jays are 2 games behind the Red Sox for first place in the AL East. Now after all the money they spent in the offseason you might have been expecting better results BUT they are 19-15 which is nothing to sneeze at. When you take into account that they have had pitching injuries to Doc, Chacin and AJ Burnett, that is a pretty good record. When you take into account that they have one starting pitcher who is 0-7.... makes that 19-15 record look pretty good doesn't it? Another good sign: Jays are 15-6 in NIGHT games.
How have they been winning all these games? With their bats! Glaus, Wells, Molina, Overbay and Hillenbrand have been all performing as expected. One pleasant surprise has been Alex Rios who is having an Allstar caliber season so far!! The Jays just finished winning two of three from Oakland and now they are going to face the Tampa Bay. A winning streak could be beginning!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Scary Moment!!

I played basketball last night much like every tuesday and there was a scary moment during the game. I was running back on defence when I saw two of the guys who were sitting off propping a third guy up (looked like a scene from "Weekend at Bernie's"). I ran over and it looked like they were dropping the unconscious guy and I helped them hold him up and then lay him down on the floor. Scott then took over as the guy in charge of first aid while another guy called an ambulance. I made sure that Albert stayed laying down on his side while Scott checked his pulse and asked him and the other guys who were sitting off questions. The guy slowly became more and more resposive but he never got up and when the ambulance arrived they carted him off to York General. We were thinking it was some type of allergic reaction but Scott told me one of his fears was that Albert might have had some type of stroke or something. I will find out more tomorrow at basketball.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Vince was a hater last week for the cake trick... except I did get the cake the next day. Meanwhile Cuch is the BIGGEST hater of the week. He has committed to hanging out three times this week and didn't show up every time! He was also suppose to give me pictures from our trip to Cuba when we see each other next. At this point my Parents don't believe I went to Cuba anymore. The question now has become... will Cuch see my bro or James before he leaves? Or will he be the BIGGEST hater ever?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Who lies about leaving chocolate cake on a person's doorstep?

I asked Vince to leave left over chocolate cake on my doorstep this morning. When i got up this morning there was no cake. I assumed he didn't drop it off. WRONG! He decided to lie to me about dropping off the chocolate cake! Who lies about chocolate cake? Somebody who is allergic to it and hates on the fact that he can't eat chocolate!

Meanwhile... my baseball team lost last night, we are now 0-2. I went to basketball afterwards and got to work off my anger, after losing the first game the team I was playing on won SIX games straight!!!

Big Shot for Tiny Tim!

The LA Lakers and the Phoenix Suns are playing one hell of a playoff series!! I was rooting for the Suns going in to the series because I like their style of play and I like their MVP. But the Lakers came out and played a great team basketball and looked great! They took a 3-1 lead in the series and although the Suns won game 5, they lost Raja Bell because of stupid foul he commited on Kobe. So with their backs against the wall, facing elimination in LA and without their best defender, Suns beat the Lakers last night! How did they win? Because of the heroics of Tiny Tim Thomas! Thomas had a double-double and he hit a clutch 3 to send the game to overtime!! Thomas has come a long way from earlier this season when he was paid to stay home!! Game 7 tomorrow night starting at 8pm (which works better then the 10:30pm start time... the games don't end until after 1am, on a school night!). I am staying in to watch it! Everyone come on over!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Superman Returns Trailer Online!

This computer doesn't seem to have the right program to watch it but I am still trying!! I saw a teaser a couple of months ago... it looked pretty cool!!! I hope the trailer is even better!!! Here is a link to the trailer:

Monday, May 01, 2006

What about Brian?

There is this new show that debuted a couple of weeks ago called "What about Brian?" It is a drama about some people in their late 20s, I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it but Christa and Cuch have become big fans of the show. I am still not totally convinced but they keep getting hot chicks on the show and I am loving them!!!