Monday, July 31, 2006

Baseball news!

This weekend my baseball team played in a baseball tournament. Our first game was at 8:30am saturday morning (made sure I didn't stay up late on friday night). We won our first 3 games on the day and found our way into the finals! This is the one sad moment on the day because we lost the game by 4 runs. :( But I am happy to say that our newest recruit played pretty well. Jimbo played for the team. Jimbo played well. He was very "Cuch"like in his performance.

Meanwhile in MLB news... the Yankees made tons of trades at the deadline while the Jays who are over 5 games back did.... nothing. Damn. Season feels like it is over!

Friday, July 14, 2006

What Would Dr. Troy Do?

A friend of mine was telling me about how he feels these are words to live by. I can tell you this if somebody lives by this philosophy they will be attempting a lot of 3-ways with 2 women. Examples of how this friend followed the philosophy and how he didn't:

Followed: Relaxing in kid's pool on FRONT lawn instead of the usual BACK lawn.

Didn't: Interviewed beautiful models all day for a job and did not get any of them to come home with him, hell he didn't even get a phone number. Dr. Troy would not be impressed.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The beginning of a new blog!

I started a new blog this week! It is just for the women and the nominations that I had in the last couple of months. The first matchup is already set up! Link:

Click here!/

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Italy wins the WORLD CUP!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

5 Reasons to watch Superman Returns!

1) You get to see Kumar help beat up Superman!!

2) John T. Williams does the music, nuff said!

3) Parker Posey as Lex's henchwoman! She plays weird characters so well!!

4) The movie is over 2 hours long! It is always nice when a good movie is longer then two hours. That means your enjoyment lasts longer!

5) Seriously, Spacey is the man! He does Lex Luthor justice!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Kevin Smith book

I got it from the library but I think it is a really good book! It is a collection of columns that Smith has written but so many of them are funny! He talks frankly about his life and everything. Not a Kevin Smith fan, have no fear, it sounds like Smith isn't either!! I am going to buy this book off amazon. I have to! I think everyone who reads this should either do the same or hit a local library.